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Early Childhood Caries Prevention - Logic Model


Purpose/Need: Early childhood caries (ECC) is a complex and largely preventable dental disease that is the most common chronic disease affecting children less than six years of age. Within Canadian pediatric hospitals the treatment of ECC is the most common surgical procedure accounting for one third of all day surgeries. Within Nova Scotia dental care for children is publicly funded until 15 years of age through the children’s oral health program (COHP), however this program is severely underutilized with only 30% of eligible children utilizing it within the 2020-2021 year. Primary healthcare are in an optimal position to discuss the CDA’s First tooth First visit, and the COHP program with families at well baby visits.


(Invested resources to deliver the problem)


(Actions carried out using the inputs)


(Products and services delivered as a result of the program activities)


Oral Health Experts & Associations such as the CDA, CDHA, NSDA, CDHNS.

Assessment of the willingness of primary healthcare to incorporate first tooth first year into their practice

Potentially a province specific adaptation of the Rourke baby record to include Nova Scotia specific recommendations for first tooth first visit & acknowledgement of the COHP program.


An increase in the expenditure required to operate the COPH program

Family Physicians, Pediatricians, and Nurse Practitioners

Assess the best delivery mechanism of recommendation delivery to primary healthcare. IE lunch and learns, email/mail update, incorporation into medical school curriculum, etc.

Awareness within primary healthcare of resources available for children to receive oral healthcare as a publicly funded program within Nova Scotia, as well as awareness surrounding the importance of oral health with overall health.


Decrease in the cases of ECC within the Nova Scotian population

Consultation with NSHA/IWK regarding funding

Creation of a guide/recommendations surrounding first tooth first visit for primary healthcare to utilize in private practice. Potential addition to the Rourke baby record (specific to Nova Scotia)

Increased delivery of preventative services within dental offices for children under 15


Decrease in OR time, as well as in hospital sedation for the treatment of ECC which will result in a cutback of OR time for dental care as well as restriction of oral health professionals required for in hospital clinics leading to a significant decline in hospital treatment cost expenditure.

Increase the overall oral health literacy and oral health status for children, and adults as they age.

Consultation with Nova Scotia MSI/COHP programs regarding funding

Obtain feedback on guide from all stakeholders



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