This is my fifth course in my Masters of Health Studies journey, and it is hard to believe we are at this point, it feels as if I was applying just yesterday. I was unsure what to expect when signing up for this course, a brand new one to the university, but I have learned a lot, and am very happy with my experience. This course has opened my eyes to how health policy and health promotion shape our clinical practice as healthcare practitioners. This course also helped to expand my experience in a variety of assignment styles. I enjoyed creating infographics, presentations with voice, and overall pushing myself out of my comfort zone in terms of information presentation.
The most eye-opening discovery in this course has been learning about the background, theories and models that go into health promotion. There is so much 'background work' required for interventions.
Reflecting upon what I will take forward into my practice is the ever-involved health promotion aspect of what I do, and how I personally can add to the profession, and improve the public's health.
I am excited for the next health promotion course in the fall :)